by Vivian Conan


HELLO! and WELCOME! to the new Automated 911 Emergency Relief System.
Your call is important.
Please help us direct it to the most appropriate department.

Press 1 if this is a medical emergency.
Press 2 if this is a fire emergency.
Press 3 if this is a robbery in progress.
Press 4 for all other emergencies.

You have selected fire emergencies.

Press 1 if there is no one in the burning building.
Press 2 if there are from 1 to 5 people in the burning building.
Press 3 if there are 6 or more people in the burning building.

You have selected 6 or more people in the burning building.
Please wait while your call is being transferred.
We're sorry, all of our fire representatives are busy assisting with other fires.
Please stay on the line, and your call will be answered by the next available representative.

please email ducts with your comments.